Mobile Live Scan in Oakland and surrounding areas

Live Scan Fingerprint Rate
Rolling Fee $40
Mobile/Service & Convenience Fee: Vary by Location
Note: Rolling Fee and Mobile Fee are subject to change without notice
What is the Procedure for Livescan
A proficient Live Scan specialist, who is trained and certified, will utilize a Live Scan system to capture fingerprints. These fingerprints are securely transmitted electronically to the relevant FBI or DOJ-certified channeling agencies for the processing of background checks. The live scan process usually lasts 5 to 15 minutes, and the individual conducting the fingerprinting will collect all applicable fees during the services.
Group Discount Available
For accurate Fees, please provide your ORI number in your Request for Live Scan Service Form provided to you by your employer or Agency requesting the Live Scan Service. ​
There are no minimum requirements for scheduling an On-site Live Scan Fingerprint appointment. We offer flexibility and accessibility to accommodate individual, organizational, and corporate needs.
We specialize in Large Group and can get your Live Scan Fingerprint completed in less than 5 minutes.
Complimentary Resubmissions
If any live scan transaction is rejected based on fingerprint quality, our service technician can return to your home or work for a complementary re-submission. Just provide the rejection letter from the Department of Justice (DOJ).
What to Bring
Valid Driver’s License or approved Government-issued Photo ID ( cannot be expired ).
If you're in California, a Request for Live Scan Form is necessary. Live Scan service providers in the state require this form for processing your Live Scan transaction. It's strongly advised to obtain a copy of this form from your employer or requesting agency. Although we've supplied a list of these forms, we strongly suggest reaching out to your requesting agency or employer for the accurate form. Please note that we currently do not provide Ink Card Fingerprints.